Flip Video- Student Creativity and Innovation


Flip Video- Student Creativity and Innovation



Workshop Description:  Participants will explore the ways in which Flip video and editing support student creativity and innovation.


Outcome:  Participants will increase skills in the use and integration of technology in classroom instruction.


Indicator:  Participants will explore Flip Video and identify how it can be used to present information and content in different ways, differentiate the ways students can express what they know, and stimulate interest and motivation to learn. 


Prerequisite Skills:  Basic computing skills:  file management and word processing.



  1. Flip Camera Overview
  2. Videos Types:
    1. Storyboards and Animation: Making a Law

    2. Scripted Scenes and Dialogues: Living Museum

    3. Edited Video Projects: BrainPop on iPods

  3. Activities:
  4. Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement
  5. Alternative video options
  6. Ways to share and/or critique finished video projects






If you have already seen this video, take some time to explore Cast Learning Tools




Exit Ticket- How will you use the collaborative features in Flip Video with your students to:  Add your ideas to this Google Doc.