lesson scenario1

Unit III- Lesson 4

Symbols of America

Time Frame: 2-3 days

MD Content Standards for Social Studies

Political Systems


Social Studies Skills


Lesson Objective

The students will identify symbols of America to provide examples of patriotic symbols.


Lesson Activities

  1. Review the definitions for the vocabulary terms symbols and patriotism. Ask students to name some symbols of America from their own experience or from the reading of the text in the previous lesson. You may display Harcourt Unit 5 Picture Summary Poster to stimulate discussion.



  1. Have students name something that they do every morning that shows patriotism. (Pledge of Allegiance to the flag) Display a transparency of “Pledge of Allegiance,” Resource Sheet 12. Explain the key words to the pledge and discuss the meaning of the phrases. One book that might be a valuable reference is I Pledge Allegiance by June Swanson, published by Carolrhoda Books in 1991. (Teacher Note: Due to personal beliefs, some students may not say the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a good example of how individuals can express their personal beliefs in a free country.)


  1. Explain that when we say the pledge we look at the flag, which is a symbol of our country. Have students brainstorm other times that we might display the flag. Americans often display this symbol on national holidays to show patriotism.


  1. Ask the students to think about their birthdays. A birthday is a special day to honor a person. Tell them that our country, the United States of America, also has a birthday celebration on the 4th of July. This special national holiday is celebrated with parades, fireworks, speeches, and picnics to honor the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This document gave the original 13 colonies freedom from Great Britain, allowing the colonies to become a free country. Explain how old this country will be on its next birthday by subtracting the year 1776 from the current year.


  1. Four specific symbols have been identified for introduction in the second grade social studies program: United States of America Flag, Bald Eagle, Statue of Liberty, and Mount Rushmore. Information on each of these topics has a “Reading for Information” report on a resource sheet and a follow-up activity sheet to review, reteach, and evaluate the learning. Use your teacher discretion to decide how many of these symbols to present.



6. Have the students complete the formative assessment.