

The goal of the Communication module is to prepare you, as an educator, to become proficient with Standard II of the Maryland Teacher Technology Standards. This standard requires teachers to demonstrate an understanding of the effective and appropriate use of electronic communication, and to use technology to communicate information in a variety of formats.


Throughout this module, we will examine a variety of media to gain understanding as we:

  1. Use telecommunications to collaborate with peers, parents, colleagues, administrators, and experts in the field
  2. Select appropriate technologis for a particular communication goal
  3. Use productivity tools to publish information
  4. Use multiple digital sources to communicate information online.


Learning Sections

This module is divided into seven sections. Within each section, you will view video clips, read web-based articles to build background knowledge, participate in discussions and small group projects, and reflect upon your learning through several journal assignments which will be submitted to the course facilitator.

You may need to have access to your district's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for some of the course activities, including the final project.

Listed below is a breakdown of the specific tasks related to each of the sections.



You are expected to complete all module activities; participate fully in discussion forum conversations; respond in your journal and complete a final independent project. The guidelines below outline module expectations.

Discussion Forum Participation

Participants are expected to contribute at least three postings (one original and two responses) for each discussion forum. Responses will be evaluated based on demonstration of knowledge of course content and connections made among concepts in course and professional practice.

Discussion Forums include the following:

  • Section 1: Orientation Discussion
  • Section 2: Electronic Communication
  • Section 3: Web 1.0 and 2.0
  • Section 4: Personal Learning Network Discussion
  • Section 5: Appropriate Technologies for Different Communication Goals

Please refer to the rubric linked below to review forum grading guidelines.

» Discussion Forum Rubric

Learning Section Activities

Participants are expected to complete the required readings and activities as posted in the each of the learning sections.

The following activity will be graded by the facilitator:

  • Section 6: Web 2.0 Tool Review/Database Activity

You will review a web-based communication tool and identify its value in an educational setting.

» Database of Educational Web 2.0 Productivity Tools Rubric

Culminating Project

Participants are expected to complete a final project that demonstrates their learning about effective web-based communications. Based on your learning this module you will design a web-based tool for communication and collaboration.

This project will be completed independently and shared with the group. You will use the Discussion Forum to share your products and review the work of your classmates.

Please review the rubric below for project guidelines and grading criteria.

» Web 2.0 Communication and Collaboration Tool Rubric



Grades are based on active and reflective participation and completion and quality of assignments. See rubrics for specific guidelines for each assignment. At the successful completion of all course activities, participants who earn an 80% or above will receive a "pass" designation. Participants who earn less than 80% will receive a "fail" designation. Grades will be apportioned as follows:

Course Components


Total Points


Discussion and Collaboration

4 per course section



Web 2.0 Tool Review/Database




Final Project





This online course is a product of the Maryland Technology Proficiency Project, a federal Title II-D Ed Tech partnership grant, in collaboration with the Maryland State Department of Education and Maryland Public Television/Thinkport.

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